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Sponsorship guidelines

Sponsorship opportunities on the YouTube channel and blogs produced by Proper Printing range from product integrations to burnt-in product or service sponsor spots in video content. Unlike a product review, sponsorships involve dedicated slots in which the product or service is featured prominently. To discuss the details of a sponsored slot, please send a message through the form on the bottom of this page. The sponsored slot typically includes:

    • Clear display of the product and brand name
    • Mention of the main selling points
    • Demonstration of the product’s intended use
    • Inclusion of a clear call-to-action

However, there are certain legal and moral limits:

  1. Proper Printing refrains from refusing sponsorship from any party for any reason.
  2. Sponsorships are only accepted when Proper Printing is convinced that the product or service is legitimate and provides genuine value to the customer.
  3. Acceptance of a sponsorship does not imply unlimited endorsement by Proper Printing.
  4. YouTube imposes specific limits on product sponsorships integrated into video content. Legal requirements to declare sponsored content also apply, considering relevant Dutch and, to a certain extent, US law.
  5. Sponsorships are not to be construed as reviews.
  6. Due to the nature and uncertainties of projects, working with fixed deadlines is not preferable.
  7. Brand and product integrations may be removed under extreme circumstances.

If you’re interested, send a message through the form on the bottom of this page to get started!

Sponsorship guidelines

Sponsorship opportunities on the YouTube channel and blogs produced by Proper Printing range from product integrations to burnt-in product or service sponsor spots in video content. Unlike a product review, sponsorships involve dedicated slots in which the product or service is featured prominently. To discuss the details of a sponsored slot, please send a message through the form on the bottom of this page. The sponsored slot typically includes:

    • Clear display of the product and brand name
    • Mention of the main selling points
    • Demonstration of the product’s intended use
    • Inclusion of a clear call-to-action

However, there are certain legal and moral limits:

  1. Proper Printing refrains from refusing sponsorship from any party for any reason.
  2. Sponsorships are only accepted when Proper Printing is convinced that the product or service is legitimate and provides genuine value to the customer.
  3. Acceptance of a sponsorship does not imply unlimited endorsement by Proper Printing.
  4. YouTube imposes specific limits on product sponsorships integrated into video content. Legal requirements to declare sponsored content also apply, considering relevant Dutch and, to a certain extent, US law.
  5. Sponsorships are not to be construed as reviews.
  6. Due to the nature and uncertainties of projects, working with fixed deadlines is not preferable.
  7. Brand and product integrations may be removed under extreme circumstances.

If you’re interested, send a message through the form on the bottom of this page to get started!

A few of my sponsors

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