Jón Schone

Proper Printing

about proper printing

Creating something

I want to create something. Something new.

My name is Jón Schone and my interest lies in the broadest sense of engineering and manufacturing. I started as a precision mechanist, attended mechanical engineering for a while and eventually ended up as an electronics engineer. I’ve worked at several technical companies, among them Philips and it took me a while to find out where my heart really lies.

This can be put very simplistic: creating something. Something new.

about proper printing

Creating something

I want to create something. Something new.

My name is Jón Schone and my interest lies in the broadest sense of engineering and manufacturing. I started as a precision mechanist, attended mechanical engineering for a while and eventually ended up as an electronics engineer. I’ve worked at several technical companies, among them Philips and it took me a while to find out where my heart really lies.

This can be put very simplistic: creating something. Something new.

The story behind the TIME-system

The story behind the TIME-system

Over the last couple of months, I developed a 3D printer with a motion system that I call the TIME-system. This stands for True Independent Multiple Extrusion, but more on that later. I shared that recently in this YouTube video and it gained quite a lot of...

Sharing information


Stay up to date with my latest developments. Here I go more in depth about the projects I’m working on and my findings. I learn from each video I make and I think it’s valuable to share this.

I also share some behind the scenes information on my Patreon page and you’ll also get access to my design files if you become a supporter yourself!

Sharing information


Stay up to date with my latest developments. Here I go more in depth about the project I’m working on and my findings. I learn from each video I make and I think it’s valuable to share this.

I also share some behind the scenes information on my Patreon page and you’ll also get access to my design files if you become a supporter yourself!

The story behind the TIME-system

The story behind the TIME-system

Over the last couple of months, I developed a 3D printer with a motion system that I call the TIME-system. This stands for True Independent Multiple Extrusion, but more on that later. I shared that recently in this YouTube video and it gained quite a lot of...


Experimental Inventions

Detachable Flex3Drive
LattePanda upgrade
Cable management with custom bed connector
M20 wing nut hanger


Proper merch

As the name suggests, this is, proper merch. Premium quality products which are meant to be used.


Supplies needed

Check out the parts, materials and tools I use to realize my projects and videos!


I want to share the thrill of chasing the unknown, not knowing what the result will look like, while having a vague image or vision in mind.


Creating content that inspires, excites, and entertains people by showing the process of my ideas, experiments, and inventions.


Making designs based on an idea and realizing them with accessible tools like 3D printing and laser cutting.

Realizing ideas

3D printing

A tool to get the job done

3D printing is ideally suited for turning ideas into reality. However, it’s just a tool to get the job done. A 3D printer on its own is not going to do much. It needs a design to print. A design starts with an idea that needs to be sparked. I can be that spark. I show that trying out new ideas, even if they fail, have two outcomes: either you learn new things, or you get new ideas. To turn an idea into a design, knowledge and skills are required. By sharing my experience, I help you to apply them to your own situation.


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